Gift Guide Series: All About Fitness

One of my favorite topics! This has been the year to really focus on your fitness and nutrition! With gyms closed, experiencing shorter business hours, or limited capacity most people have resorted to creating a home gym. I know I have! If there is one thing quarantine has done good for us, is it has allowed us to slow down and really take a good look at some areas that need improvement. Or maybe you just need to expend some energy due to stress and frustration. Whatever your reasoning is or your loved ones, these items will definitely make a world of difference and add to the experience.

On the ninth day of the Gift Guide Series, I'm bringing to you a list of must have's for the beginner, intermediate and athletic type. As an active individual myself, I find that the items listed in the shopping list below will all have their place. 

Don't forget to check out the other categories that have been featured!

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